Message from the President – August 2022

            Fellow Sportsmen & Women of the Tonawandas Sportsmen’s Club,

            Last month I started off with “two thumbs up” … I can only offer one thumb up this month because I let my self slip up on SAFETY. Assuming someone else will be on the same page while performing a risky task is like thinking “someone else” will stand up for the 2nd Amendment. We all need to be on the same team regarding safety & our 2A rights!

            All members should have received two September Gun Raffle tickets. Please do your best to sell or purchase these important fund-raising items. Stop by the Club and get some Side Gun Raffle tickets or an event day ticket. No interest in firearms, (Then you’re probably not reading this fine publication) we have a Meat Raffle October 1st! Jolly good fun coming this fall!

            A hearty thanks to the members showing up for the Monday work parties. Work is rarely a party; it’s the friendly members that make it a party.

            As the dog days of August take our summer away in a steamy fashion, I am still wondering: “Where is Everyone?!”. What do we need to do to get people back on Wednesday nights? Same for the weekends. My email is: [email protected] Please make it explode with suggestions.

            Check us out on Facebook, seriously. It’s up to date, no more photos of gun raffles from 2018. Just like the Jefferson’s, “We’re Moving On Up”. A new website is soon to follow.                   

            Please remember November 1st is when we state, “Kathy, see you next Tuesday!”. That’s the day you and your dumb-o-crat cronies will have to get a real job. This one-party rule will get expensive for all gun owners unless we send them to the unemployment line. VOTE!!

            The next time you see me I’ll have a cast on my right hand, my dominant hand. Typing with one hand is time consuming…fortunately, I have some time to spare.

