SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1ST, 2022 Spins Start at 6:00 P.M.
Donation: $12.00 per person • Public Welcome
Includes Roast Beef Sandwich, Chips, Popcorn, Beer, Pop & Water
Also OK to bring your own snacks!
Bring your Dollar Bills for Meat Raffle
Meat Selections: Steaks, Hams, Shrimp, Ribs, Porkchops, Hot Dogs & Hamburgers
Grand Finale: Winners Choice
Pre-Sale Tickets available at the TSC Bar
Message from the President – August 2022
Fellow Sportsmen & Women of the Tonawandas Sportsmen’s Club,
Last month I started off with “two thumbs up” … I can only offer one thumb up this month because I let my self slip up on SAFETY. Assuming someone else will be on the same page while performing a risky task is like thinking “someone else” will stand up for the 2nd Amendment. We all need to be on the same team regarding safety & our 2A rights!
All members should have received two September Gun Raffle tickets. Please do your best to sell or purchase these important fund-raising items. Stop by the Club and get some Side Gun Raffle tickets or an event day ticket. No interest in firearms, (Then you’re probably not reading this fine publication) we have a Meat Raffle October 1st! Jolly good fun coming this fall!
A hearty thanks to the members showing up for the Monday work parties. Work is rarely a party; it’s the friendly members that make it a party.
As the dog days of August take our summer away in a steamy fashion, I am still wondering: “Where is Everyone?!”. What do we need to do to get people back on Wednesday nights? Same for the weekends. My email is: [email protected] Please make it explode with suggestions.
Check us out on Facebook, seriously. It’s up to date, no more photos of gun raffles from 2018. Just like the Jefferson’s, “We’re Moving On Up”. A new website is soon to follow.
Please remember November 1st is when we state, “Kathy, see you next Tuesday!”. That’s the day you and your dumb-o-crat cronies will have to get a real job. This one-party rule will get expensive for all gun owners unless we send them to the unemployment line. VOTE!!
The next time you see me I’ll have a cast on my right hand, my dominant hand. Typing with one hand is time consuming…fortunately, I have some time to spare.
“351” Pheasant Hunting at TSC
The 2022-23 “351” Hunting Season will start mid-September for Quail and Oct. 23rd for Pheasant. If you are interested in joining or would like additional information on the “351” Hunting program, send an E-mail to Dave Notaro at [email protected] and he will forward the information to you.
SASS Cowboy League Matches
Our match schedule has started with the next match July 16th. We set up at 6 pm on July 15th.
If you are interested come out on the 15th we always have a few guns you can try and see what Cowboy shooting is all about and ask any questions!
The match starts at 9 AM on the 16th and we ask that you arrive by 8:30 am to sign in. If you just want to watch bring eye and hearing protection, all are welcome.
Contact Rick @ [email protected] for more info
Member Appreciation Day
We had a fantastic evening this past Friday June 24 2022, celebrating our members. Over 75 members gathered for hot dogs, shooting and socializing. A good time was had by all. An evening to enjoy the club and chat with friends both new and old. Keep an eye out for our next event. I like to thank everyone that came out to help with this event, especially Bob who cooked the hot dogs, Board of Directors, Lisa and Sharon.
Bill Gersitz
2022 ATA Club Champion
TSC is pleased to announce Lisa Paradowski as our 2022 ATA Club Champion!!!
2022-23 Membership Dues Renewal
The 2022-23 membership dues are due by July 1, 2022. Renewal forms have gone out. You can renew your membership by completing the form and mailing it in with your check, or pay in-person at the bar.
If you haven’t paid your 2022-23 dues yet, please do so before the end of July.
- 1/2 year dues are not available after June 30th.
- A $10 late fee is added for dues paid July 31 to August 15. After that, your club membership has ended.
If you are unable to pay your dues on time, for specific reasons, such as loss of job, medical, military deployment, etc. Please submit a written explanation to the Board for their consideration
Message from the President – July 2022
Fellow Sportsmen & Women of the Tonawandas Sportsmen’s Club,
“Two thumbs up & a whoop dee doo” to SCOTUS for giving Albany “dumb-o-crats” a reality check. We all need to support the 2nd Amendment come November! Make sure you VOTE! I will fight until my last breath if our leaders try to ban “Christmas Story” with its focus on a Red Ryder “with a compass in the stock”. If the “crats” in Albany had a “moral compass”, I’d have nothing to write about.
July starts our fiscal year at TSC. I truly hope everyone has paid their dues for our fine facility. More importantly, I hope everyone wanted to pay them. It takes a lot to keep us going. Sincere thanks to the few who gave notice of not renewing; things happen, and you classy folks had the decency to let us know. Our Membership Secretary, Joe Kopec*, is my Board Member of the Month. Between new member requests, new member orientation and several levels of membership renewals, he’s still at it. I almost forgot to mention the other committees and projects Joe is working on.
Thanks to Bill Gersitz* for supplying the hot dogs for Member Appreciation Night, Friday 6/24. Thanks to all who helped Bill make it happen.
*I have given both Joe & Bill a significant pay raise for their hard work. They now enjoy a 7.5% increase of their current salary of $00.00. Who says being a Board Member doesn’t pay…
Gun Raffles are back at TSC. We’re having a raffle in September with limited in-house attendance. All will receive two tickets in the mail. If you sell them, it costs you nothing. If you purchase them, well, you might be happy. All firearms are on layaway. No waiting. Details forthcoming.
Summer is a busy time for all. Coming out on a Wednesday night is a great way to prep for those weekend chores!